Have you booked your Cultural Learning Journey Training 2018? Book Now!

Have you booked your Cultural Learning Journey Training 2018? Book Now!

Curijo is offering three Cultural Learning Programs in 2018, each program building on knowledge learned in the previous program. Clients who have built on their Cultural Learning Journeys during 2017 by adding Expansion and Immersion programs have provided positive feedback on the rich cultural knowledge and understanding that the programs provide. Our Aboriginal facilitators have been well-received and if required can tailor content to your specific needs.


What we offer?


Cultural Learning Journeys

Cultural Learning Journeys provide organisations and participants with the opportunity to learn about and further develop their knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, the diversities and Aboriginal Australia both historically and contemporary. All stages of the Cultural Learning Journey Training address the necessity for organisations and individuals to provide more respectful, receptive and culturally safe services primarily through knowledge and reflection. Learning about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people is an ongoing journey and packages can be tailored to meet the specific needs of participants and organisations to ensure the maximum proposed outcome is achieved.


Awareness – provides an introduction to learning about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and Aboriginal Australia by providing factual information about Aboriginal history and basic strategies for communication and relationship development.

Expansion – is an extension of the day one package by providing further learning materials and activities which will assist participants in having a more in-depth understanding of the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, families and communities.

Immersion – the cultural immersion provides participants with an in-depth understanding both in the class room and within the community to broaden knowledge and embrace Aboriginal cultural and history through being immersed within community.


The proposed outcomes of the cultural awareness training are:

  • Participants have an understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
  • Participants respect and acknowledge the history of Aboriginal Australia
  • Participants have an understanding and respect of diversity in culture, family structures and skin and language groups
  • Participants reflect an awareness of their own cultural realities and other cultural realities
  • Participants have an understanding of the culturally reflective framework
  • Identify the effects of racism and develop skills to reflect upon and minimise racism within workplace
  • Identify the potential impact of cultural factors for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples within the workplace
  • Participants develop strategies to communicate effectively with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
  • Participants are able to identify communication issues and ensure they are addressed to develop and maintain relationships
  • Understand cultural safety and to develop professional relationships based on mutual respect
  • Identify and utilise resources to continue their cultural learning journey.

If you are considering continuing or expanding Cultural Learning Journeys within your organisation in 2018,  we urge you to consider your needs and make early bookings as places are filling fast. Our friendly staff are available for a free consultation to discuss your needs.